Corpus Christi Sunday
Three Tips for Falling in Love with the Eucharist
Attend Mass and Receive the Eucharist Regularly
Saint John Vianney emphasized the importance of regular Mass attendance and receiving the Eucharist, stating, "There is nothing greater than the Eucharist. If God had something more precious, He would have given it to us." Attending Mass isn't solely an obligation; it’s an opportunity to encounter love profoundly. Approach Jesus with an open heart, ready to receive His love and grace.
Embrace Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Saint Teresa of Calcutta emphasized spending time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. She said, "When you look at the Crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you then. When you look at the Sacred Host, you understand how much Jesus loves you now." Make it a priority to spend dedicated time each week in Eucharistic adoration. Our perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is open to you 24/7, where you can spend time with Jesus!
Get to Know Jesus in the Word
Reflect on Mark 14:22-24, where Jesus institutes the Eucharist during the Last Supper, a Passover meal. Consider the significance of His words, "Take; this is my body" and "This is my blood of the covenant." As you participate in Mass and witness the consecration, meditate on the mystery of these words and the transformation they signify. Let the reality of Christ's presence in the Eucharist deepen your faith and understanding of His love for you, drawing you into deeper intimacy with Him.
Sit with these tips, let these practices transform your life, and draw you closer to the heart of Jesus in the Eucharist!
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
The Trinity is the supreme mystery of our one God in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. By definition, the term "mystery" means that this fact of faith is truly beyond our limited comprehension and had to be divinely revealed to us through Jesus Christ.
One of the early heresies (false teachings) against the Trinity was Arianism, named after the preacher Arius in the 4th century. Arianism taught that God the Son was not consubstantial with God the Father but instead created by God and thus not eternal. Arius famously stated, "There was a time when the Son was not." Echoes of Arianism are heard today when people argue that Jesus was simply a "good teacher" and not God himself. Arianism was appealing because it attempted to make the concept of the Trinity more rational and understandable. However, this teaching undermined Christ’s redemptive triumph over death and diminished the reverence due to the mystery of God.
We proudly declare that Jesus is “begotten, not made” in our Creed, affirming that in the mystery of the Trinity, Jesus is one with the Father and truly God. Jesus redeems our humanity, not as a mere mortal but as one who shares the same substance and essence of the Father and the Spirit. As co-heirs with Christ, we are called to go forth and preach the Good News!
Which member(s) of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) am I comfortable addressing in prayer? Which member do I engage with the least?
How might God be calling me to “overflow” in love this week?
Pentecost Sunday
In Pentecost, we see the fruits of the Holy Spirit in action. Initially fearful and uncertain about the future without their King, the Apostles invoked the Holy Spirit, resulting in boldness, unity, and harmony. The Holy Spirit kindled a divine passion within them, freeing them from fear and discord, leading to a renewal of heart and mind.
St. John Paul II reminds us that Pentecost is an ongoing reality in our lives. The Christian journey is a continual battle against worldly temptations while surrendering to the Holy Spirit's guidance. By invoking the Holy Spirit and yielding to His direction, we experience the same liberation that empowered the Apostles to carry on Jesus’ mission. This freedom manifests in the fruits of the Holy Spirit, bestowed upon us in Confirmation, empowering us to reject fear, resist worldly desires, and proclaim God's faithfulness wherever we go.
Which fruits of the Holy Spirit to you believe the Lord desires for you to use and grow in?
How can you use fruits of the Holy Spirit to build the kingdom of God here on earth?
How can you make Pentecost an ongoing reality in your daily life?
Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord
Jesus said to his disciples: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.”
~Mark 16:15
What is Evangelization?
Evangelization is the proclamation of Christ and his Gospel by word and the testimony of life, in fulfillment of Christ's command. Romans 6:23 highlights why we evangelize: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
How to Share Your Faith Effectively:
There are many ways to share your faith effectively. Here is a simple structure on how you can do it!
Tell Your Story
Before Christ: Think about your life before you knew Christ or had a significant change. Share the challenges you faced.
How Christ Helped: Share specific moments where Christ's love or guidance made a difference in your life.
After Encounter: Talk about the positive changes you've experienced since knowing Christ.
Practice and Be Prepared
Create short and detailed versions of your story for different situations.
Practice sharing your story so you're ready for any conversation.
Share with Others
Share your story with at least one person every week. Pray for opportunities to talk about your faith.
Remember, sharing your faith doesn't have to be complicated. Just be yourself and share how Christ has made a difference in your life!
Sixth Sunday of Easter
"This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” ~ John 15:11-12
When we are growing up, rules set by our parents may not have always made sense. In fact, a simple “because I said so” may have been the response after asking the “why” behind a household rule. Yet in today’s Gospel, Jesus reveals the “why” to us behind His commandment of love: “so that my joy may be in you and your joy might be complete” (John 15:11).
The Lord, the Creator of our hearts, knows exactly what we need to feel fully alive. He invites us to love in a deep and sacrificial way, not because He wants us to be miserable, but on the contrary, because He wants us to experience the joy of being who we were made to be.
The more we accept this high call to love like Christ by “[laying] down one’s life for one’s friends,” the more we can experience true freedom from our own selfishness, pride, and sin (John 15:13). The Lord so desperately desires to free us from the slavery of sin, and to give us abounding joy which can only be found in perfect love.
When was a time you chose to love, and because of that, felt increased joy?
When was a time someone showed you Christ’s sacrificial love?
Who is one person in your life (a family member, coworker, neighbor, friend) that the Lord may be inviting you to love more intentionally this week?
Fifth Sunday of Easter
In today’s Gospel, Jesus urges us to remain in Him, even going so far as to say that without Him, we 'can do nothing.' When Saul experiences his conversion and becomes St. Paul as we know him, he wants to join the disciples because he knows the importance of belonging to a Christian community and becoming part of the Body of Christ. However, they fear and avoid him due to his previous persecution of early Christians. The testimony of Barnabas allows St. Paul to join the community he longs for in order to remain in Christ. He speaks out 'boldly in the name of the Lord,' sharing his story and speaking to others about how Jesus transformed his life. Lastly, he perseveres through desolation, both from the early disciples' fear of him and persecution from those who would have him killed for his faith. In each of these ways, St. Paul shows us what it looks like to remain in the Lord.
Even in the midst of turmoil, the early Church is at peace because its disciples know how to remain in Christ. They receive the consolation of the Spirit and stand rooted in the solid ground of their faith. They know that to bear good fruit, they need to belong to Jesus, our 'true vine,' and remain in Him. He asks us to trust that when He makes a promise, He will see it through, sustaining us every step of the way. Maybe that won’t look like what we imagine it might, but He is always faithful, and He is still good.
Do you have a community rooted in the Church? If not, what are some steps you can take to find connection in the Body of Christ?
If you had to tell someone about how God has moved in your life, what would you tell them?
What would it look like for you to turn to the Lord in a difficult season?
Fourth Sunday of Easter
The Lord is always leading us as a good shepherd leads his flock. We are completely and intimately known by Jesus, who continues to love and protect us even in our messiness. We are worth the Savior laying down His life for us. Out of sheer generosity and mercy, He has brought us out of darkness and into His one flock – the flock of the children of God.
And because we are children of God through our baptism, we share in the identity of Jesus Himself, including His identity as shepherd. We are shepherded by the Lord so that we can go out and be shepherds to others. Our lives as Christians can have a profound influence on the people around us. We have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. We are fed with the very Body and Blood of Jesus every time we go to Mass. Our lives should be radiating the love of Christ at every single moment, leading and shepherding others deeper into a relationship with Jesus Christ, the one Good Shepherd.
How can you allow Jesus to provide for you this week? Will you trust Him to provide?
Who is one person that you can intentionally shepherd closer to God this week? How is God calling you to do that?
Third Sunday of Easter
“…God has thus brought to fulfillment what he had announced beforehand through the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ would suffer. Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be wiped away.” – Acts of the Apostles 3:18-19
Imagine the scene: the disciples, still suffering such deep heartache at the horrific loss of their master and friend, suddenly see the glorified body of Jesus standing before them. Understandably, they are in awe, terrified, and speechless. What could this mean? Their minds must have been racing with a mix of excitement, confusion, and fear. And in this critical moment, Jesus’ response to their stunned silence is… “Have you anything to eat?” It almost feels like a comical anti-climax. So why does our Lord say this?
Despite Jesus’ invitation to touch him and understand that He is physically, bodily present to them, the disciples are still amazed at the sight of him, perhaps still unsure what to believe. Jesus asks for food to emphasize that He has a true human body. What an amazing relationship we have with our Lord, who desires such union with us that he has felt how it feels to be hungry! Christ then declares that the disciples are all witnesses of the Resurrection. Peter reiterates this fact in today’s first reading.
Two thousand years later, we too are witnesses of the Resurrection. We encounter and unite ourselves to Jesus every time we receive the Eucharist at Mass, where He makes Himself physically present to us. In this sacrament, our own hunger is satisfied by Jesus’ very flesh. This special bodily union with Christ requires also that we live a life of integrity. When we sin, we undergo a spiritual death, but Jesus offers us a resurrection, a forgiveness of our sins, if we repent and strive to sin no more in the hope of someday attaining perfect union with God.
How can I make an extra effort to be bodily present to Jesus (e.g. Daily Mass, spending time in prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament)?
Are there any ways that Jesus is inviting me to take better care of my body so that I can recognize it as a gift and a reflection of Christ?
What Corporal Works of Mercy (feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, bury the dead) can I practice?
Divine Mercy Sunday
“For whoever is begotten by God conquers the world.” ~ 1 John 5:4
Today we encounter the story of Thomas, one of Jesus' apostles, who embodies a very human reality. Perhaps we see ourselves as Thomas, a pilgrim who follows Christ yet doubts that He will provide and protect. However, it was in touching the wounds of Christ that healed his fear and insecurities. Thomas came back to the Lord in belief and allowed Jesus to heal his wounds.
Why did Jesus allow Thomas to be the only apostle not present when He first appeared to the others? Jesus had to let Thomas encounter Him through wounds to be transformed. In acknowledging the reality of his human weakness and littleness, Thomas grasped the true identity of the man he had followed for so long, proclaiming, “My Lord and my God.”
The Psalm today says, “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, his love is everlasting.” Can we still exclaim this as we encounter our own wounds, littleness, and doubts? The beauty lies in Jesus using His wounds to draw us closer to Him, patiently allowing us to recognize that our human wounds and littleness is where He meets us. That is why He is good. He invites us into the glory of woundedness; that there is no sin or doubt more powerful than God’s love.
Do I let my own doubts and fears keep me from entering into intimacy with Jesus?
How has the Lord been good amidst any suffering and tragedy that you have experienced?
How can you embrace the truth that it is in our wounds that God's love is most powerful and transformative?
Easter Sunday
“He commissioned us to preach to the people and testify that he is the one appointed by God as judge of the living and the dead. To him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name.” ~ Acts of the Apostles 10:42-43
Alleluia! Christ is risen! What incredible and startling news that the disciples must process: Jesus is alive! After such a horrible and traumatic death, and entering the darkness of hell itself, Jesus’ resurrection from the dead declares that Christ is the true Lord of the universe. “O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting?” (1 Cor. 15:55).
Our first reading highlights Peter’s triumphant sermon, celebrating that God “shows no partiality” but has invited all—Gentile and Jew alike—into the family of God. By our Baptism, we are all called to pass on this Good News to everyone we encounter. In our Gospel, we hear how Mary Magdalene, a disciple who herself was freed of demonic possession (Luke 8:2), is startled by the empty tomb, and Peter and John must see it with their own eyes. In time they would understand that Jesus was truly the Messiah who came not to overthrow mere political powers but the dominion of sin itself.
Death is truly not the end. This changes everything.
Our faith is no mere legend, fairy tale, or story in a galaxy “far, far away.” The death and Resurrection of Christ happened in history 2000 year ago, and his followers were willing to go to their deaths declaring this truth. So let’s feast and rejoice today because this truly the Good News: Jesus is alive!
After 40 days of Lent, how can I now set my eyes on celebrating the joy of Christ this Easter Season?
In what parts of my life (wounds, family ties, or habitual sins) does the Lord want to resurrect and breathe new life into?
How can our family share this joy of the Lord with others?
Palm Sunday
Lectio Divina, meaning "Divine Reading" in Latin, unfolds as a prayerful encounter with Scripture. Dive into a chosen piece of the Passion, engaging in meditation, prayer, and contemplation to discern the Lord's movement in your life. Progressing through the stages of reading (lectio), meditation (meditatio), prayer (oratio), and contemplation (contemplatio), this guide accompanies you into the Passion narrative.
Prepare yourself: Take a few moments to still your heart, find comfort, and become aware of God's presence. Accompany this with a simple prayer, welcoming the Holy Spirit. (Consider deep breaths with the prayer "Come, Holy Spirit.")
Lectio (Read): Read the Gospel passage three times, inviting the Lord to tug on your heart. In each reading, allow the Holy Spirit to unveil thoughts, ideas or feelings.
Meditatio (Meditate): Notice what stands out to you—a particular image, phrase, or word. Focus on it, meditating on what God might be revealing. Reflect on the depth of Jesus' sacrifice, the betrayals, and the profound love expressed in this narrative.
Oratio (Pray): Engage in a conversation with God. Ask Him to reveal what He wants you to take from the passage. This may lead to gratitude, seeking forgiveness, peace, or other emotions -- simply share your heart with God.
Contemplatio (Contemplate): Rest in God's presence. Be mindful of His companionship. Listen for His voice. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your contemplation, deepening your understanding of God's love and the transformative power of the cross.
Fifth Sunday of Lent
During the season of Lent, the cry to God to “create a clean heart” and “renew a steadfast spirit” within us hits more deeply. We’ve been making sacrifices, cutting out the things in our lives that keep us from His love. The struggle reminds us how much we need Him, but it’s tempting to want God to do everything — to throw up our hands like a frustrated child and say, “You do it.” Yet in today’s Gospel, Jesus is specifically inviting us to join in the process of our own interior conversion.
How can we cooperate with the grace He has to offer if we don’t take any action? St. Paul’s letter to the Hebrews reminds us that Christ Himself still had to offer “prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears” and “learn obedience from what he suffered.” Jesus, perfect Jesus, teaches us what it means to be both humble and active in the transformation of our hearts.
The Gospel even reminds us that we need to die to ourselves like grains of wheat. As any good gardener knows, even the dead things can make fertile soil. God wants to partner with you to dig deeper and cut away the deadness that no longer serves you. Our God, Divine Gentleman that He is, won’t do it without you. Will you join Him?
Is there an area of your life where you feel overwhelmed? Invite the Lord into this place with you.
Where in your life has God been calling you to conversion this Lent?
What is one way that you can partner with God this week to draw closer to Him on this Lenten journey?
Fourth Sunday of Lent
In our brokenness and humanity, forgiveness does not always come naturally to us. On the contrary, forgiving others is often a hard and conscious choice, and an ongoing decision to let go of deep anger or resentment. Therefore, when we try to understand the mercy of God, we often project this human experience onto Him. We might believe that God forgives us, but with disappointment or frustration. Yet today’s second reading proves this to be incredibly false. St. Paul does not say that God gives His mercy reservedly, rather, that He is rich in mercy, and acts with great love (Ephesians 2:4).
The Lord rejoices in showing us His free and abundant mercy, and not just when we think we earned it, but when we feel that we do not deserve it at all. For “even when we were dead in our transgressions,” Jesus saw our mess and chose to give us new life (Ephesians 2:5). Therefore, we have nothing to fear as we step into the light of His truth and grace.
This divine reality of perfect and free mercy can be found in the sacrament of reconciliation. Jesus waits for you there in perfect love and compassion. For He did not come to condemn, but to pour light into the darkest parts of our hearts (John 3:17).
The Gospel says that Jesus came to bring light into our lives, yet sometimes we “[prefer] darkness to light” (John 3:19). What areas of your life are you afraid to bring to the light?
How can you step into the light of God’s mercy this Lent? (ie. confiding in a trusted friend, being honest in prayer, going to confession).
Third Sunday of Lent
The Gospel today shows us a side of Jesus we often do not see. Filled with righteous anger at the worldly misuse of God’s Holy Temple, Jesus flips tables and drives the animals out. His zeal is not simply to punish but to purify, to restore the Temple back to the Father’s intended purpose for it, to be a house of prayer. Later in the Gospel, Jesus refers to the Temple of his own body. Through Baptism, we too are made temples of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is just as zealous for the purification of your temple during this Lenten season!
In the first reading from Exodus, we hear God declare that he is jealous for us. God is not selfish in this jealousy, because he knows that we can only find true fulfillment in his love for us, for only he has the words of everlasting life. As we continue on this Lenten journey together, let us reflect on how we can flip our money tables through almsgiving, drive out the animals of our appetites through fasting, and restore the true worship of God in our inner temples through prayer. Take time today to reflect on the ways Jesus desires to cleanse the temple of your heart, so that he may more perfectly make you his “House of Prayer”.
How can you actively cooperate with Jesus during this Lenten season to allow him to cleanse and purify the temple of your heart?
Consider how Jesus referred to his own body as the Temple. How does this impact your understanding of your own body as a temple of the Holy Spirit?
Second Sunday of Lent
Entering the Transfiguration narrative with Peter, James, and John, we witness the unveiling of Jesus' divine nature. At the mountain's summit, Moses and Elijah alongside Jesus serve as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments. As the Gospel account concludes, the disciples see "only Jesus alone" while grappling with words about His resurrection (Mark 9:8-10). The Transfiguration serves as an anticipation of the fulfillment of old covenants, with Jesus establishing a new covenant through His death and resurrection.
Partaking in the Mass becomes our ascent on the mountain—a sacred space where we encounter the transfigured Christ and engage in the mysteries of our faith. The Eucharist, shaping us in Christ's image, becomes the motivation to embrace a life of love and service. Living out the transfiguration involves embracing our identity in Christ and finding strength in our relationship. The ongoing call to ascend the metaphorical mountain prompts a consistent encounter with the unveiled glory of our Lord. Equally vital is the reminder to descend, sharing the Good News in our everyday lives.
What practical steps can I take in my everyday life to communicate my experiences of encountering Christ?
How has the narrative of the Transfiguration deepened my understanding of Jesus, and how does this shape my life?
First Sunday of Lent
“Put to death in the flesh, he was brought to life in the Spirit.”
~ 1 Peter 3:18
Noah’s ark, which sheltered God’s creation during the flood, serves as a prefiguration of salvation through water, connecting to our Baptism. St. Paul notes that those in the ark were "saved through water" (1 Pt 3:20). Similarly, our Baptism within the Church, a shelter for His creation, shields us from the floods of chaos and sin. The flood ends up acting as God's means to form a new creation through His covenant with us, just as we become a new creation through Baptism.
As we enter Lent, a time of preparation and renewal, we recognize our Baptism as a living, ongoing event. We are called to “put to death” our former life and seek daily rejuvenation and new life. We do this by embracing the words and promises of the Gospel, “the Kingdom of God is at hand.” God is near to His people.
Immediately after the Spirit descended upon Jesus during His Baptism, “the Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert” (Mk 1:12), where he faced temptation from Satan. Despite spending forty days in the desert and hearing about his cousin’s arrest, Jesus stayed near to the Father and still proclaimed the Gospel. Indeed, we have been saved by the waters of Baptism, but we will face seasons of dryness and trials. The graces we receive at Baptism give us the strength to draw close to the Father, who is a promise-keeper who triumphs over floods.
How am I making my Baptism an ongoing reality in my daily life?
What or who do I cling on to when I face seasons of dryness and trials? Am I still willing to proclaim the promises of the Gospel during these seasons?
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Jesus stands ready to stretch out his hand and heal us. The question is: are we ready to accept His healing in our lives? At the time of Jesus, leprosy like that found in this Sunday’s gospel was a form of ritual uncleanness that prevented someone from being a part of the public worship of the community; it was as if that person was cut off from God Himself. Our sins can often make us feel the same way. When we fail to follow Jesus and choose to follow other gods, it is easy to be filled with shame and feel completely isolated from the Lord.
But Jesus reaches out to us in the midst of our uncleanness. God Himself reaches out to the leper, bringing him back into the community of believers. Jesus desires to do the same thing for us today in our spiritual lives. He is ready and willing to forgive our sins, most especially in the sacrament of Confession, so that we can be free of our guilt and shame and live our lives for Him. All we have to do is receive His gift.
Do I believe that Jesus can and wants to make me clean?
As we prepare to enter into the season of Lent, what sins do I need Jesus to forgive?
This week, what is one way I can imitate Jesus in helping to bring someone back into the Church community?
Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Jesus stands ready to stretch out his hand and heal us. The question is: are we ready to accept His healing in our lives? At the time of Jesus, leprosy like that found in this Sunday’s gospel was a form of ritual uncleanness that prevented someone from being a part of the public worship of the community; it was as if that person was cut off from God Himself. Our sins can often make us feel the same way. When we fail to follow Jesus and choose to follow other gods, it is easy to be filled with shame and feel completely isolated from the Lord.
But Jesus reaches out to us in the midst of our uncleanness. God Himself reaches out to the leper, bringing him back into the community of believers. Jesus desires to do the same thing for us today in our spiritual lives. He is ready and willing to forgive our sins, most especially in the sacrament of Confession, so that we can be free of our guilt and shame and live our lives for Him. All we have to do is receive His gift.
Do I believe that Jesus can and wants to make me clean?
As we prepare to enter into the season of Lent, what sins do I need Jesus to forgive?
This week, what is one way I can imitate Jesus in helping to bring someone back into the Church community?
Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time
One of the hardest things to do in our current day is make time and space for silence. There is so much going on around us in work, family, and normal everyday duties that it can seem impossible to really slow down and listen. Yet that is the way God speaks to us. For any relationship to be successful, we must spend time with the other person. God desires to share His very self with us.
As we hear in the Gospel, the words of Jesus are powerful and able to heal us. He is the Word made flesh, the bodily incarnation of God. Instead of a booming voice coming from a fiery mountain like the Israelites heard, we hear the voice of the Son of Man. If we wish to receive His healing, we must first receive His voice. “He is our God, and we are the people he shepherds, the flock he guides.” Let us listen to the voice of our Good Shepherd and so enter into the rest that He offers.
What is one activity I can give up this week to make more time for silence?
How can I encourage my family to spend time listening to the voice of God?
When I hear God’s voice, do I follow through and obey?
Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
In the Gospel, Jesus urgently calls us to "Repent, and believe in the gospel" and to "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men." Notice how there is no hesitation when He invites others into relationship with Him. Jesus sees the broken and immediately goes after them.
Just as Jonah goes out to invite others to hear the word of God, we too are called to follow in the ways of Christ by inviting others into a relationship with Him. We allow our complacency and our fear to stand in the way of sharing the Gospel. Yet, we can mirror the Psalmist in calling out to the Lord, asking Him to give us the boldness to invite others with the same urgency.
Here are five tips you can use to practice making an impactful invitation to a program that provides a space to have meaningful conversations.
Before beginning, take a moment to pause and pray, seeking guidance from God on who to invite. This is an opportunity to partner with the Holy Spirit in the conversations that He’s already having with the people around us.
Like Jesus in the Bible, interactions should be tailored to individuals. There's no one-size-fits-all conversation. Consider the person's past experiences, hesitations, frustrations, and hopes to better understand them. It increases the chance they’ll say yes to your invitation.
We often invite people to something without them knowing it’s an invitation. In your invitation, be specific and direct, avoiding vague suggestions that may go unnoticed. Provide clear details so that the individual can make an informed decision.
It’s key to be simple rather than having a lengthy, complex conversation. Try for a series of clear and concise interactions with the "If I... Would You" framework. For instance, "If I sent you the trailer for Alpha, would you watch it and share your thoughts with me?"
Finally, don't be discouraged by a 'no.' There are various reasons for refusals, and most have nothing to do with you. Accept the ‘no’ with grace and revisit step 2, considering if there is a different way to approach the individual. Maintaining the relationship is essential, it demonstrates that you care more about them than getting a yes from them.
Who is one person that I can think of to invite to Alpha and when is the next time I will see this person?
What practical steps can I take to invite this person? Can I take them out for coffee, invite them over for dinner, give them a phone call?
You can learn more about Alpha at