Fourth Sunday of Easter
The Lord is always leading us as a good shepherd leads his flock. We are completely and intimately known by Jesus, who continues to love and protect us even in our messiness. We are worth the Savior laying down His life for us. Out of sheer generosity and mercy, He has brought us out of darkness and into His one flock – the flock of the children of God.
And because we are children of God through our baptism, we share in the identity of Jesus Himself, including His identity as shepherd. We are shepherded by the Lord so that we can go out and be shepherds to others. Our lives as Christians can have a profound influence on the people around us. We have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. We are fed with the very Body and Blood of Jesus every time we go to Mass. Our lives should be radiating the love of Christ at every single moment, leading and shepherding others deeper into a relationship with Jesus Christ, the one Good Shepherd.
How can you allow Jesus to provide for you this week? Will you trust Him to provide?
Who is one person that you can intentionally shepherd closer to God this week? How is God calling you to do that?