St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

Fifth Sunday of Lent

During the season of Lent, the cry to God to “create a clean heart” and “renew a steadfast spirit” within us hits more deeply. We’ve been making sacrifices, cutting out the things in our lives that keep us from His love. The struggle reminds us how much we need Him, but it’s tempting to want God to do everything — to throw up our hands like a frustrated child and say, “You do it.” Yet in today’s Gospel, Jesus is specifically inviting us to join in the process of our own interior conversion.

How can we cooperate with the grace He has to offer if we don’t take any action? St. Paul’s letter to the Hebrews reminds us that Christ Himself still had to offer “prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears” and “learn obedience from what he suffered.” Jesus, perfect Jesus, teaches us what it means to be both humble and active in the transformation of our hearts.

The Gospel even reminds us that we need to die to ourselves like grains of wheat. As any good gardener knows, even the dead things can make fertile soil. God wants to partner with you to dig deeper and cut away the deadness that no longer serves you. Our God, Divine Gentleman that He is, won’t do it without you. Will you join Him?

Is there an area of your life where you feel overwhelmed? Invite the Lord into this place with you.

Where in your life has God been calling you to conversion this Lent?

What is one way that you can partner with God this week to draw closer to Him on this Lenten journey?

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

Fourth Sunday of Lent

In our brokenness and humanity, forgiveness does not always come naturally to us. On the contrary, forgiving others is often a hard and conscious choice, and an ongoing decision to let go of deep anger or resentment. Therefore, when we try to understand the mercy of God, we often project this human experience onto Him. We might believe that God forgives us, but with disappointment or frustration. Yet today’s second reading proves this to be incredibly false. St. Paul does not say that God gives His mercy reservedly, rather, that He is rich in mercy, and acts with great love (Ephesians 2:4).

The Lord rejoices in showing us His free and abundant mercy, and not just when we think we earned it, but when we feel that we do not deserve it at all. For “even when we were dead in our transgressions,” Jesus saw our mess and chose to give us new life (Ephesians 2:5). Therefore, we have nothing to fear as we step into the light of His truth and grace.

This divine reality of perfect and free mercy can be found in the sacrament of reconciliation. Jesus waits for you there in perfect love and compassion. For He did not come to condemn, but to pour light into the darkest parts of our hearts (John 3:17).

The Gospel says that Jesus came to bring light into our lives, yet sometimes we “[prefer] darkness to light” (John 3:19). What areas of your life are you afraid to bring to the light?

How can you step into the light of God’s mercy this Lent? (ie. confiding in a trusted friend, being honest in prayer, going to confession).

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

Third Sunday of Lent

The Gospel today shows us a side of Jesus we often do not see. Filled with righteous anger at the worldly misuse of God’s Holy Temple, Jesus flips tables and drives the animals out. His zeal is not simply to punish but to purify, to restore the Temple back to the Father’s intended purpose for it, to be a house of prayer. Later in the Gospel, Jesus refers to the Temple of his own body. Through Baptism, we too are made temples of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is just as zealous for the purification of your temple during this Lenten season!

In the first reading from Exodus, we hear God declare that he is jealous for us. God is not selfish in this jealousy, because he knows that we can only find true fulfillment in his love for us, for only he has the words of everlasting life. As we continue on this Lenten journey together, let us reflect on how we can flip our money tables through almsgiving, drive out the animals of our appetites through fasting, and restore the true worship of God in our inner temples through prayer. Take time today to reflect on the ways Jesus desires to cleanse the temple of your heart, so that he may more perfectly make you his “House of Prayer”.

How can you actively cooperate with Jesus during this Lenten season to allow him to cleanse and purify the temple of your heart?

Consider how Jesus referred to his own body as the Temple. How does this impact your understanding of your own body as a temple of the Holy Spirit?

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

Second Sunday of Lent

Entering the Transfiguration narrative with Peter, James, and John, we witness the unveiling of Jesus' divine nature. At the mountain's summit, Moses and Elijah alongside Jesus serve as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments. As the Gospel account concludes, the disciples see "only Jesus alone" while grappling with words about His resurrection (Mark 9:8-10). The Transfiguration serves as an anticipation of the fulfillment of old covenants, with Jesus establishing a new covenant through His death and resurrection.

Partaking in the Mass becomes our ascent on the mountain—a sacred space where we encounter the transfigured Christ and engage in the mysteries of our faith. The Eucharist, shaping us in Christ's image, becomes the motivation to embrace a life of love and service. Living out the transfiguration involves embracing our identity in Christ and finding strength in our relationship. The ongoing call to ascend the metaphorical mountain prompts a consistent encounter with the unveiled glory of our Lord. Equally vital is the reminder to descend, sharing the Good News in our everyday lives.

What practical steps can I take in my everyday life to communicate my experiences of encountering Christ?

How has the narrative of the Transfiguration deepened my understanding of Jesus, and how does this shape my life?

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

First Sunday of Lent

“Put to death in the flesh, he was brought to life in the Spirit.”

~ 1 Peter 3:18

Noah’s ark, which sheltered God’s creation during the flood, serves as a prefiguration of salvation through water, connecting to our Baptism. St. Paul notes that those in the ark were "saved through water" (1 Pt 3:20). Similarly, our Baptism within the Church, a shelter for His creation, shields us from the floods of chaos and sin. The flood ends up acting as God's means to form a new creation through His covenant with us, just as we become a new creation through Baptism.

As we enter Lent, a time of preparation and renewal, we recognize our Baptism as a living, ongoing event. We are called to “put to death” our former life and seek daily rejuvenation and new life. We do this by embracing the words and promises of the Gospel, “the Kingdom of God is at hand.” God is near to His people.

Immediately after the Spirit descended upon Jesus during His Baptism, “the Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert” (Mk 1:12), where he faced temptation from Satan. Despite spending forty days in the desert and hearing about his cousin’s arrest, Jesus stayed near to the Father and still proclaimed the Gospel. Indeed, we have been saved by the waters of Baptism, but we will face seasons of dryness and trials. The graces we receive at Baptism give us the strength to draw close to the Father, who is a promise-keeper who triumphs over floods.

How am I making my Baptism an ongoing reality in my daily life?

What or who do I cling on to when I face seasons of dryness and trials? Am I still willing to proclaim the promises of the Gospel during these seasons?

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Jesus stands ready to stretch out his hand and heal us. The question is: are we ready to accept His healing in our lives? At the time of Jesus, leprosy like that found in this Sunday’s gospel was a form of ritual uncleanness that prevented someone from being a part of the public worship of the community; it was as if that person was cut off from God Himself. Our sins can often make us feel the same way. When we fail to follow Jesus and choose to follow other gods, it is easy to be filled with shame and feel completely isolated from the Lord.

But Jesus reaches out to us in the midst of our uncleanness. God Himself reaches out to the leper, bringing him back into the community of believers. Jesus desires to do the same thing for us today in our spiritual lives. He is ready and willing to forgive our sins, most especially in the sacrament of Confession, so that we can be free of our guilt and shame and live our lives for Him. All we have to do is receive His gift.

Do I believe that Jesus can and wants to make me clean?

As we prepare to enter into the season of Lent, what sins do I need Jesus to forgive?

This week, what is one way I can imitate Jesus in helping to bring someone back into the Church community?

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St Ann Catholic Parish St Ann Catholic Parish

Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Jesus stands ready to stretch out his hand and heal us. The question is: are we ready to accept His healing in our lives? At the time of Jesus, leprosy like that found in this Sunday’s gospel was a form of ritual uncleanness that prevented someone from being a part of the public worship of the community; it was as if that person was cut off from God Himself. Our sins can often make us feel the same way. When we fail to follow Jesus and choose to follow other gods, it is easy to be filled with shame and feel completely isolated from the Lord.

But Jesus reaches out to us in the midst of our uncleanness. God Himself reaches out to the leper, bringing him back into the community of believers. Jesus desires to do the same thing for us today in our spiritual lives. He is ready and willing to forgive our sins, most especially in the sacrament of Confession, so that we can be free of our guilt and shame and live our lives for Him. All we have to do is receive His gift.

Do I believe that Jesus can and wants to make me clean?

As we prepare to enter into the season of Lent, what sins do I need Jesus to forgive?

This week, what is one way I can imitate Jesus in helping to bring someone back into the Church community?

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time

One of the hardest things to do in our current day is make time and space for silence. There is so much going on around us in work, family, and normal everyday duties that it can seem impossible to really slow down and listen. Yet that is the way God speaks to us. For any relationship to be successful, we must spend time with the other person. God desires to share His very self with us.

As we hear in the Gospel, the words of Jesus are powerful and able to heal us. He is the Word made flesh, the bodily incarnation of God. Instead of a booming voice coming from a fiery mountain like the Israelites heard, we hear the voice of the Son of Man. If we wish to receive His healing, we must first receive His voice. “He is our God, and we are the people he shepherds, the flock he guides.” Let us listen to the voice of our Good Shepherd and so enter into the rest that He offers.

What is one activity I can give up this week to make more time for silence?

How can I encourage my family to spend time listening to the voice of God?

When I hear God’s voice, do I follow through and obey?

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

In the Gospel, Jesus urgently calls us to "Repent, and believe in the gospel" and to "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men." Notice how there is no hesitation when He invites others into relationship with Him. Jesus sees the broken and immediately goes after them.

Just as Jonah goes out to invite others to hear the word of God, we too are called to follow in the ways of Christ by inviting others into a relationship with Him. We allow our complacency and our fear to stand in the way of sharing the Gospel. Yet, we can mirror the Psalmist in calling out to the Lord, asking Him to give us the boldness to invite others with the same urgency.

Here are five tips you can use to practice making an impactful invitation to a program that provides a space to have meaningful conversations.

Before beginning, take a moment to pause and pray, seeking guidance from God on who to invite. This is an opportunity to partner with the Holy Spirit in the conversations that He’s already having with the people around us.

Like Jesus in the Bible, interactions should be tailored to individuals. There's no one-size-fits-all conversation. Consider the person's past experiences, hesitations, frustrations, and hopes to better understand them. It increases the chance they’ll say yes to your invitation.

We often invite people to something without them knowing it’s an invitation. In your invitation, be specific and direct, avoiding vague suggestions that may go unnoticed. Provide clear details so that the individual can make an informed decision.

It’s key to be simple rather than having a lengthy, complex conversation. Try for a series of clear and concise interactions with the "If I... Would You" framework. For instance, "If I sent you the trailer for Alpha, would you watch it and share your thoughts with me?"

Finally, don't be discouraged by a 'no.' There are various reasons for refusals, and most have nothing to do with you. Accept the ‘no’ with grace and revisit step 2, considering if there is a different way to approach the individual. Maintaining the relationship is essential, it demonstrates that you care more about them than getting a yes from them.

Who is one person that I can think of to invite to Alpha and when is the next time I will see this person?

What practical steps can I take to invite this person? Can I take them out for coffee, invite them over for dinner, give them a phone call?

You can learn more about Alpha at

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

This Sunday’s Gospel reading shows us an example of one of the core elements of St. Ann Parish – bringing people to Jesus. John the Baptist saw the Lord coming and pointed Him out. Andrew brought his brother Simon Peter to the Lord. So too, as Christians we are all called to be missionaries to the world – to help people come into a life-saving and life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Yet, all of this has to start with ourselves and our personal encounter with the Lord. At every single Mass, we behold the Lamb of God who was slain for our salvation. We receive His very Body and Blood as our spiritual food and drink. We are changed and commissioned to “Go forth” at the end of every Mass in order to bring what we have received to the world.

As we at St. Ann embark on the Transcend campaign to transform our space of worship, we do so with the hope that it will also transform our hearts – that an environment of elevated beauty will fix our eyes more closely on the Lamb of God, our Lord Jesus Christ who we share with the world.

What is one way Jesus is calling me to bring someone to Him this week?

How is God calling me and my family to support the Transcend campaign, either financially or through prayer?

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

The Epiphany of our Lord

He stretched out his hands for our gifts. He wanted the pure gold of a heart detached from all earthly goods; the myrrh of a renunciation of all the happiness of this world in exchange for participation in the life and suffering of Jesus; the frankincense of a will that surrenders itself and strains upward to lose itself in the divine will. In return for these gifts, the divine Child gave us himself. ~ St. Edith Stein

The Solemnity of the Epiphany (deriving from the Greek word epiphaneia, meaning “intense manifestation or appearance”) emphasizes the mystery of Christmas revealed in the Nativity Scene. God the Father chose to manifest Himself through a weak, frail infant, born in a dark and insignificant cave. Yet, from this dark cave arose an intense, divine light that attracted a peculiar group of people: the poor, Jewish shepherds and the royal, and wise Magi, who were likely non-Jews.

The Gospel declares God's plan for salvation for all by mentioning the "magi from the east," illustrating that Jesus redeems and reveals Himself to both the Jews (shepherds) and the Gentiles (the Magi). Matthew’s Gospel references Isaiah 60 and Psalm 72 and their inclusion of gifts from Sheba and Arabia being brought to the future King and Messiah. He alludes to the Old Testament prophecies and simultaneously points to the time after the Resurrection in Matthew 28:19 when he tells His disciples to go and “make disciples of all nations.” In the infant Jesus, we see that God desires all people to be with Him, and He desires for us to share Him with all people.

St. Edith Stein tells us that “the kings at the manger represent seekers from all lands and peoples.” What the three kings brought to the One True King was more than just gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They brought their old way of life to trade it in for a new life. Hence, they returned home “by another way” (Mt 2:12). We, too, are called to seek Jesus by His divine light—the good, the true, and the beautiful—just like the Magi. Only once we surrender and allow ourselves to be radically transformed by the intense love of God can we then go out to make disciples of all nations.

How can I share the Gospel with those I encounter in 2024?

What fears do I have that are keeping me from trading my old life for a new life?

What are some of my gifts and talents that I can bring to the Lord to glorify Him?

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

Feast of the Holy Family

This last Sunday of the calendar year we celebrate the Holy Family: Mary, Joseph, and Jesus.

It might be hard to relate to the sinless Mary and Jesus and the virtuous Joseph. But they are our models of courageous faith lived quietly in a culture that was antagonistic to their faith. And they reveal that our God came to save us not through appearing in human history like an extravagant and self-sufficient superhero, but through a humble human family.

Family is a crucial theme in the majority of the best movies and stories that we love. This is no accident! We have been made in the image and likeness of God who is 3 persons but also one—in his image and likeness we have been made and this is shown powerfully in the home: many persons, but one family. Within our bodies and in the image of the family is this call to Communion.

While Mary and Joseph were by no means rich (their offering of turtledoves was an allowance of poorer Temple gifts), they were wealthy in love, tenderness for one another, and faith in the God who would provide for them.

“If you want peace in the world,” Mother Teressa said, “go home and love your family.”

Can it really be that simple? Indeed, God does not demand extravagant signs and works from us. He acts in the normalcy of life and asks for us to do little things with great love. St. John Paul II asserted that as the family goes, so goes the world.

To love our families well is to live out God’s call to holiness in the ordinariness of our lives. Through each sick child cared for late at night, each dirty diaper, or tough conversation with a spouse or parent, we are putting into action the call to love and honor one another.

How can we strive for holiness in our family this new year?

How can I put my love for my family into a small action today?

How can I ask the Holy Family for their intercession for my life and struggles?

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

4th Sunday of Advent/Christmas

Into the messiness and discomfort of a stable in Bethlehem, the Lord Jesus is born today. So too, into the messiness and darkness of our lives, Jesus comes today. He is not turned away by our weakness and sinfulness. No, that is precisely where He runs to. All of us have walked in darkness in our lives, whether that is because of sin, addiction, family difficulties, or any number of things.

Today the good news is proclaimed to us: we “have seen a great light.” St. Paul tells us that “the grace of God has appeared, saving all.” Today Christ has come, not as a mighty warrior with an army of angels to do battle, but as a weak and humble child. And not just that, He comes to us in the weak and humble appearance of bread in the Eucharist, to save us and heal our hearts. Do not let your darkness prevent you from welcoming Christ. Rather, let us receive Him and rejoice in the good news: “a savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord.”

How will you welcome Christ into your darkness this Christmas?

What is holding you back from receiving Him and His mercy?

Who is one person with whom the Lord is calling you to share the life-saving good news of Jesus Christ’s coming?

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

3rd Sunday of Advent

In our everyday lives, it’s easy to think that what Isaiah challenges the Israelites to do isn’t for us. How often do we “bring glad tidings to the poor,” “heal the brokenhearted,” “proclaim liberty to the captives,” or bring “release to the prisoners?” These seem like daunting tasks that don’t seem to fit with the daily demands of taking classes, getting through the workday, raising a family, or making sure dinner gets on the table. Yet God still can find a way to use all of the moments of our life to draw us closer to Him.

St. Teresa of Calcutta famously wrote “Stay where you are. Find your own Calcutta. Find the sick, the suffering, and the lonely, right where you are — in your own homes and in your own families, in your workplaces and in your schools.” How often do we see Jesus in the people in the grocery checkout, the kid in class no one talks to, the person panhandling on your daily commute, or the person sitting in front of us at Mass? As members of the Church, we are the bride of Christ, with gifts of the Holy Spirit, God-given talents, and a faith we are meant to practice each and every day. It’s even built into our church — as we leave the Narthex, we walk through the prophets as we go out and proclaim the goodness of God.

Maybe it feels overwhelming to think about what it means to be Christ’s hands and feet here on earth. Breathe. It is God Himself that will make us holy. He is faithful and generous even in our own weaknesses and shortcomings, and that gives us a reason to rejoice. Stay awake. Stay present. Don’t miss Him in the mundane. He is always working, always seeking our hearts. And Holy is His Name.

Who is one person you can be Christ to this week?

How is God drawing close to you this Advent? Have you seen Him working in your daily life?

Take some time this week to intentionally pause and pray a Hail Mary or Our Father this week as you do a routine chore or task to remember to keep God in each moment of your day.

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

2nd Sunday of Advent

On this Second Sunday of Advent, let's glean wisdom from John the Baptist's life and teachings. Drawing inspiration from John's simple life in the wilderness, let's eliminate distractions, embrace humility, and deepen our trust in God to “Prepare the way for the Lord.” Here are a few lessons we can learn from him:

Faithful Pursuit of Repentance:

John the Baptist's unwavering commitment, epitomized through baptism for repentance, serves as a practical model for our journey of faithfulness in preparing for Christ's second coming. Drawing from John's dedication involves acknowledging shortcomings, seeking forgiveness, and turning from aspects distancing us from God. Our faithfulness mirrors John's, shaping a repentant life aligned with the imminent return of the Messiah.

Simplicity of Life in the Wilderness:

Embracing John's austere wilderness lifestyle, we're urged to cultivate humility and focus on essential values. His simple life guides us to eliminate distractions hindering spiritual growth, positioning us to be receptive to the transformative Gospel message as we await the second coming of Christ.

Bold Proclamation of the Gospel:

John's ministry propels us to boldly articulate our faith in word and deed. Like John, we're called to proclaim the Gospel, echoing his cry to "Prepare the way for the Lord." Preparation for the second coming involves personal transformation and courageous proclamation, reflecting John's resounding call to repentance.

This Advent Sunday, let the missionary spirit of John the Baptist reignite our zeal to proclaim the Gospel as we eagerly anticipate the Second Coming of Christ.

St. John the Baptist, Pray for Us!

If you haven’t been to confession in a while, we will have an Advent Reconciliation Service on December 19th at 7PM. Come and receive the grace of reconciliation!

Who is that someone who proclaimed Jesus to you and have you thanked them?

Considering John the Baptist's fearless approach, how can we boldly share our faith in simple actions and words this holiday season?

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

1st Sunday of Advent

We have all most likely experienced the panic of our parents or spouse coming home, only to suddenly realize that the chores we were asked to do have not yet been completed. In a mad dash, we run around the house trying to get it all done before they arrive so that we can present ourselves as tidy, and not disappoint our loved ones. It is easy to then project this human experience on the Lord, especially after Jesus tells His disciples in today’s Gospel “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come” (Mark 13:33). Yet what if God has more for us this Advent than a hurried or fearful preparation of His coming?

Jesus already knows the ways that “all of us have become like unclean people,” and He already knows where our hearts have strayed from His love (Isaiah 64:6). And yet He is not surprised or repulsed by our brokenness, for our Creator is more aware of our own mess than we are. Therefore, we have nothing to fear as we begin to prepare our hearts for His coming. In fact, it is the very joy of the Gospel that the King of the Universe chose to enter into humanity by being born into a simple manger. Similarly, the Lord desires to dwell in the messiness and brokenness of our own lives and hearts.

This Advent, we are free to wait and prepare - not in fear - but in joyful anticipation of Jesus’ coming. We can prepare to receive Him, knowing that it is never too late for the Lord to transform the ordinary. There is no heart, no family, no community too broken for Him to enter into, we only need to give Him permission to do so.

When you read the verse - “Be watchful! Be alert!” - do you feel a hurried fear or joyful preparation?

Which area of your mess does Jesus want you to invite Him into this Advent? (Difficult relationships, insecurities, addictions, temptations, etc.)

How can we make space for the Lord to mold us as His clay this Advent? (Time in silence, reading scripture, decreasing the noise in our lives, etc.)

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

34th Sunday of Ordinary Time

This last Sunday of the Church’s calendar year (before we begin anew with the Advent season) ends with Jesus celebrated as “Christ the King,” a King who rules over the Cosmos and a King who even death could not contain. And our King is always beckoning us to greater intimacy with his kingly heart, a heart that beats for the poor and downtrodden.

It’s so tempting to think that being “a basically nice person” is all God wants from us in order to be with him in Heaven. But Jesus sets the bar quite high, asserting that, “what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me. And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

It’s important to not only believe the right doctrines and dogmas of the faith and then keep to ourselves—we’re called to put our love into action, serving one another and bearing another’s burdens. As our King has been generous to others, he desires our generosity.

There are local and global peoples we can help, in however small of a way. We can’t fall into the paralysis of thinking we have to solve all the issues of the world. That’s up to God. Our job is to do our small part for the stranger, the hungry, the sick, the lonely, and the imprisoned. Our King shows us great mercy and we must pay that mercy forward.

Jesus never asks us to do anything he didn’t undertake himself. He was a King made low and met us in our sin. What’s more, his commands are not orders directed from a tyrannical power on high compelling us to live in servile fear—He calls us as a good King who wants us to imitate his example, to love one another as as he has first loved us (John 13:34).

These are the marching orders of our King. Will we obey them?

What ministry of the parish could I support? (Project Calcutta, Magi Ministry, etc)

How might the Lord be calling me to “think outside the box” to serve those in our local community?

Is Christ the King the center of my life? Do I struggle to trust him and his goodness?

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

How often have we, in our fears and insecurities, held back from sharing our gifts, expressing love, and embodying virtue? Moments arise when we choose silence over truth to preserve peace or doubt our potential as instruments of God's love and mercy. Spe Salvi resounds, reminding us that we were created for greatness—for God Himself. Though our hearts may seem too small for such destined greatness, they must be stretched.

Throughout the readings, we find echoes of this call to greatness. Proverbs 31 illustrates the transformative power of small, daily acts through the portrayal of a woman of valor. Matthew 25 reinforces the message of faithful stewardship in small things, aligning with the need for our hearts to stretch. As children of the light, we are beckoned to transcend worldly peace and security, recognizing God's desire to work through us (1 Thes 5).

The call to greatness challenges us to move beyond our doubts. The dullness of our hearts can hinder us from living a life of light, transforming societal standards of apathy and the status quo. Embracing this call means allowing God to use our material and spiritual littleness for great things. As we await the unexpected day of the Lord, let us be children of the light, confidently stretching our hearts in even the smallest matters, for it is in these acts that we may find the potential to transform our broken world.

In what ways have your fears and insecurities hindered you from fully expressing your God-given gifts?

How do the readings align with the idea of faithful stewardship in small things and the stretching of our hearts?

How can your small acts of kindness make a positive impact in the world and show love in everyday situations?

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

In the same way our physical bodies crave water, our souls long for God. Perhaps we don’t even realize it because it is so easy to district ourselves with anything and everything else. But what if it is God that we seek when we spend hours while scrolling on social media, shopping for things we may not even need, or experiencing loneliness or lack of connection like a physical ache? What do we do to satisfy that longing? Maybe we reach for food, technology, entertainment, or relationships that aren’t healthy to temporarily satisfy our desire, but that desire will always come back. Maybe it is because our souls were not made for this world.

St. Augustine famously noted in his Confessions that “you have made us and drawn us to yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” In this our minds, hearts, and souls can feel that same cry of the Psalmist, crying out in thirst for the goodness of God. What can we do to respond to this innate desire for God?

The Gospel suggests that we keep our eyes focused and wakeful on the promise of Heaven. We may not know the day nor the hour, but we know the Bridegroom is coming because just as our souls long for God, He longs for us in return. We can look to Scripture to see all that the Lord has done and let that promise reassure our restless hearts that what God has done, He will do again and again. We may need to take a break from the noise of our hectic schedules, bright screens, and even our own expectations to sit with the Lord in silence and let Him fill our hearts instead with the very thing we were created for—Himself.

What is one practical way you can spend intentional time with the Lord this week?

Is there a habit you and your family can start building to keep God at the center of your daily life?

What is your heart longing for in your current season?

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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

C.S Lewis reminds us that humility isn't about making ourselves small, but about putting others first.

True humility mirrors the love and compassion that Jesus exemplified. It's about being patient, showing kindness, not seeking attention, and being humble. This reflection echoes the sentiment of Mother Teresa, who once said, "Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love." It reminds us that acts of love and humility need not be grand; they can be found in the smallest, most selfless deeds.

Humility encourages us to see the strengths in people before their flaws, to see the goodness in all we meet, and to avoid blaming others for our difficulties. It reminds us that even in tough times, God's goodness is present.

Practicing humility in our daily lives involves practical steps. Try including the "Litany of Humility" in your daily prayers. It helps shift your focus away from your own desires and towards the needs of others. Also, take time for self-reflection to recognize moments where pride may have influenced your actions. This reflection helps you identify areas where you can grow.

Remember that humility isn't about thinking less of yourself, but about thinking of yourself less. By practicing humility with a loving and selfless heart, you not only draw nearer to God's presence but also follow the teachings of Jesus, who urged us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

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