Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

This Sunday’s Gospel reading shows us an example of one of the core elements of St. Ann Parish – bringing people to Jesus. John the Baptist saw the Lord coming and pointed Him out. Andrew brought his brother Simon Peter to the Lord. So too, as Christians we are all called to be missionaries to the world – to help people come into a life-saving and life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Yet, all of this has to start with ourselves and our personal encounter with the Lord. At every single Mass, we behold the Lamb of God who was slain for our salvation. We receive His very Body and Blood as our spiritual food and drink. We are changed and commissioned to “Go forth” at the end of every Mass in order to bring what we have received to the world.

As we at St. Ann embark on the Transcend campaign to transform our space of worship, we do so with the hope that it will also transform our hearts – that an environment of elevated beauty will fix our eyes more closely on the Lamb of God, our Lord Jesus Christ who we share with the world.

What is one way Jesus is calling me to bring someone to Him this week?

How is God calling me and my family to support the Transcend campaign, either financially or through prayer?


Third Sunday of Ordinary Time


The Epiphany of our Lord