26th Sunday of Ordinary Time
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
EZEKIAL 18:25-28 | PS 25 | PHIL 2:1-11 | MATT 21:28-32
How many times do we change our plans in a day?
You are not alone - in fact, this is pretty common.
Whether intentional or not, our days do not always end up the way we planned for them to go. It is easy to blame our situation for these changes. While changing plans for practical reasons like taking care of a sick child or using up food about to spoil is fine, we may make less favorable choices like skipping mass for extra sleep or gossiping instead of dedicating time to prayer.
We are all guilty of making these kinds of swaps in our day - much like the son in the Gospel whom the Father tells to "go out and work in the vineyard", who replies, "Yes, sir, 'but did not go" (Matthew
21:28-30). God calls every one of us throughout our daily life to "go and do my will" as well - this does not always mean He is calling us to go and minister in the streets - perhaps it is simply a call to love our neighbor or be more consistent in our relationship with Him through prayer. Either way, what matters most is how we respond to this call.
No matter where you are today, whether you have said yes or said no in the past, the Lord desires your yes. He wants to see you make choices that help you become more like Him. Re-committing to following Christ each day, we ask that He gives us the strength to follow through on our choices that bring us closer to Him and say goodbye to those creating distance.
How often do you find yourself changing your plans? What are some common reasons you change your plans?
• In what ways do you feel your daily choices impact your relationship with God?
Have you ever made a choice that created distance between you and God? How did you work to repair that relationship?
Have you ever felt like God was calling you to do something specific? If so, what was it?
How did you respond?How can you be a witness to others through your choices and actions?