25th Sunday of Ordinary Time
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
ISAIAH 55:6 - 9 | PS 145 | PHIL 1:20-24,27 | MATT 20:1 - 16
There is beauty in knowing "the LORD is just in all his ways... holy in all his works [and] is near to all who call upon him in truth," as Psalm 145:17-18 reminds us. It is easy to forget that God "made all things good" (1 Timothy 4:4-5); you, as a son or daughter of God, are made in the "image and likeness" of the Holy Trinity (Genesis 1:26-28). Your identity is rooted in love; why do you look at your neighbor through the lens of comparison and judgment?
Instead of dwelling on what we lack, let us celebrate the beauty and marvels present in our fellow believers in Christ, appreciating the unique gift that each one brings. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, St. Paul reminds us that we are many parts but one body in Christ. Take some time to meditate on that passage, looking at the second reading, where St. Paul encourages us to live for the good of others. To live like Christ is our call; sometimes, that might mean suffering, whether in physical illness or through our desire to prioritize unrealistic societal standards.
In those moments of comparison or envy, look to the words of Jesus in the Gospel, "Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage? Take what is yours and go." (Matthew 20:13). You were given particular gifts by the Holy Spirit that can make your unique mission possible: go and do what God created you to do - allow God to transform your broken desires into the freedom of conscience, knowing your worth through the sacrifice of Christ. That is how you will cast out thoughts of pity and negativity, which keep you from being light - to the world - for others to know the Lord.
Do what God asks of you - He will take care of the rest.
Pray with the Litany of Humility and renounce the fears of pride you struggle with. Scan the QR code to pray the Litany of Humility:
Share with someone how their God-given gift has helped you be more Christ-like!
What is a constructive way to counteract those moments of pride and envy? Are you aware of any triggers? Invite the Holy Spirit to show you who He created you to be for His kingdom.