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St. Ann Parish St. Ann Parish

Spreading Faith and Hope - A Mission Journey with NET Ministries!

“My main mission this upcoming year is to be a light of hope for the kids I get to encounter”

My name is Bishop Banda and I’m a student at the University of Oklahoma involved with college campus ministry. I’m currently in my junior year of studies in hopes of pursuing my BSN and attending nursing school. I am also a member of the St Ann’s community where I grew up and went through MSM and HSM. My faith grew tremendously over the summertime when I spent three months in Southern California with FOCUS on a mission called Summer Projects. I had the opportunity to work full-time at a Catholic summer camp and be spiritually formed at the same time. This is where my desire to do a longer-term mission and to share the gospel message started. Over the summer I had the chance to attend daily mass, adoration, and frequent the sacrament of reconciliation. I know I needed that spiritual growth in order to prepare for something greater.

After this experience, I decided to commit to a year with NET Ministries. NET Ministries takes over 150 Catholic young adults across the country who will serve by putting on retreats for youth. My main mission this upcoming year is to be a light of hope for the kids I get to encounter, and through my testimony, active faith life and spirit help to bring the good news and show how Jesus can take any ordinary person and use them for his good and will. From September to June, I will be in full-time active ministry with my NET Team, where I will be engaging the youth daily by helping lead retreats, giving talks, and leading small groups to share my faith with Catholic youth.

Each Missionary needs to raise $8,000-$9,000 for this year of service to cover the costs of training, healthcare, transportation, equipment, and a small monthly stipend. The actual cost of putting each team member into active ministry for the year is over $25,000, so team members who are able to exceed the partnership goal are encouraged to go above and beyond. NET Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization and all gifts to NET are tax deductible. To donate click the link below and select my name as the missionary to donate to. Thank you all so much for giving me your time and please continue to pray for the ministry, the youth, and myself this coming year!

Please pray for me and those I will encounter this upcoming year. I will keep you in my prayers.

Peace be with you all and God Bless! 

 Bishop Banda

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