Serve: Sacrament Preparation
Wedding Prep Sponsor Couple
Sponsor Couples embrace the call to discipleship by mentoring couples as they prepare for the sacrament of marriage. Through sharing your lived experience and facilitating conversation between the couple, you will help guide them to a deeper understanding of each other and their call to this vocation. Sponsor Couples find that their own marriages are continually enriched by the experience, strengthening their own relationship as husband and wife. Bring your marriage experience and we will provide the training. If you are interested in learning more about this enriching opportunity, fill out the form and a member of our Sacrament Team will reach out to you.
Baptism Team
We are looking for volunteers to join our Baptism Team ministry. Use your time, talent and gifts to help parents prepare to baptize their child (ages 0- 6 years). This ministry can be split into two different categories: small group leader and/or session leader. If you would like to do both, that would be awesome! Volunteers are encouraged to be witnesses to their faith and family traditions, to share experiences in raising children in the faith and to provide guidance for choosing godparents