Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 | Psalm 54:3-6 and 8 | James 3:16—4:3 | Mark 9:30-37


“If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” -Mark 9:35

In today’s Gospel, the apostles discuss who is the greatest among them. Knowing what was on their hearts and minds, Jesus gathers them to remind them of a hard, counter-culture truth: the first shall be last, and the last shall be first. By asking His followers to be “last,” Jesus does not mean forgotten, abandoned or unprovided for. In fact, Jesus invites us into this posture of humility so that we can receive more, and receive from Him. 

So often when we are tempted by the Enemy to put ourselves first, we are grasping for titles or possessions that will not satisfy us. The Lord created us for more; He created us for Eternity with Him. Yet He knows that as long as our hands are full of these self-obtained, worldly gains, we have no room to receive true life from Him as our Father. Jesus invites us to become little and humble like children, so that we may be sustained by Him, our Father, who wills our good more than we could ever imagine. 

What area of your life do you most struggle with pride? (in the workplace, in conversations with family, self-image etc.)

What might Jesus’ invitation be to you in this place?

Who is one person you can put before yourself this week?


Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time