Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wisdom 7:7-11 | Psalm 90:12-17 | Hebrews 4:12-13 | Mark 10:17-30

"For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. 

All things are possible for God.” 

Mark 10:27

What if God doesn’t come through? What if I’m on my own? What if … 

It’s easy to let anxiousness get the best of us, to catastrophize in our thoughts, and jump to the worst case scenario. We’re hesitant to surrender control as humans, and it often makes sense based on how we’ve been hurt. We can grasp for control through our means or our finances,  and attempt to order our lives and cling on to everything. 

Jesus invites us into a different way of being. “You’re lacking in one thing,” Christ challenges to the rich young man who has otherwise zealously kept to all the commandments of God. Jesus appeals to his heart to give up his attempt to control and order everything: “go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” (Mark 10:21). 

Generosity is the antidote. Giving up control and embracing the adventure is what Christ offers. And that involves surrendering, giving your life away, and not trying to possess anymore. The rich young man went away sad, but we dont’ know the end of his story, just as we don’t fully know the end of ours. Perhaps, after grieving for his belongings and security, he came to acceptance and returned to Christ. We don’t know!  But we can hope for the same courage for ourselves to say “yes” to trusting the Lord, following him wherever he invites us. 

In what area is it difficult for you to trust in God’s plan for your life? In your finances, your time, your relationships, etc? 

Does a part of you fear that God won’t provide if you are generous with your time, talent, or treasure? 

What is the “one thing” Christ might be calling you to surrender?


Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time