Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel, we read the story of the hemorrhaging woman, who had sought healing in the world for 12 long years. It was not until she, in faith, reached out to touch the cloak of Jesus that she received what she had been searching for all along.
As humans, we are both body and soul, and because of this, we experience God through our physical senses. In God’s goodness, He became Emmanuel, “God with us,” so that He could enter into our physical reality and dwell with us on earth.
He not only gave of himself through Jesus over 2,000 years ago, but continues to give of Himself in a very real, and physical way through the Sacraments. He longs to heal us, like He healed the hemorrhaging woman, through the graces He pours out in the Eucharist and confession.
The Lord desires to encounter you in your physical, daily reality, and through that, bring an even greater healing: eternal life. The hemorrhaging woman received radical healing in her body, but the true gift was a personal encounter with Jesus that would change her life forever.
How have you experienced healing through the Sacraments, big or small?
What are the obstacles currently keeping you from reaching out to Jesus through confession and the Eucharist, and how can you overcome them this week?
In what way do you desire for Jesus to heal you this week?