21st Sunday of Ordinary Time


21st Sunday of Ordinary Time – August 27, 2023


Isaiah 22:19-23 | Psalm 138 | Romans 11:33-36 | Matthew 16:13-20

I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Matthew 16:18-19

God gave King David the ultimate authority to rule over His people, the Israelites. However, as any good king, David was busy protecting his kingdom, referred to as the House of David. He needed a Master of the Palace, or steward, to watch over the people in his absence. This person was to be the king’s right hand - with authority given to represent the king in all matters, including caring for the Israelites, regulating rules as necessary, and maintaining the kingdom in good standing. This position always was supposed to be filled - someone would always take the place of the previous steward to ensure the protection of the house of David. Encountering turmoil, David's house and the people of God were, unfortunately, left with a broken kingdom.

In the Gospel today, we read about Jesus restoring the eternal kingdom and opening its doors to God’s children, even the ones previously not welcomed at the House of David (Luke 2:31-32). But as we know, Jesus would eventually ascend into heaven and needed a steward to look after His people - the Church - on earth. 

St. Peter declares Jesus as the one to anoint the world (Matthew 16:16). Through this profession of faith, Jesus institutes the ministry of the steward to the everlasting church of Christ by naming him the rock to build that church.

Echoes of Isaiah in Jesus' Words to Peter:

  • Matthew 16:15-16: Jesus calls Peter the rock on which He'll construct His church, referencing Isaiah 28:16's promise that God would establish a foundation in Zion.

  • Matthew 16:17-19: Jesus gives Peter the power to bind and loose on earth and in heaven, alluding to Isaiah 22:22's prophecy that God would grant authority to a steward.

  • Matthew 16:20: Jesus instructs Peter to keep His identity hidden, invoking the prediction in Isaiah 53:7 that the Messiah's true identity would remain undisclosed.

Time with Jesus: Peter was given the keys to the kingdom after announcing Jesus as Christ. What has God called you to be or do after your profession of faith moment? 

Trivia time: What does the word Pope mean? How many Popes can you name?


22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time


20th Sunday in Ordinary Time