Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday 2023
“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.”
Psalm 118:24
Christ is risen! Alleluia, Alleluia! After 40 days of journeying through Lent, the experience of the beautiful gift - of Christ's resurrection - is offered to us! Now is the time to allow Jesus to live in us as we celebrate the joy of these Easter mysteries for the next 50 days.
Throughout this festive season, we unpack this new life that Christ has given to us - the life we receive through His Holy Spirit. Every Sunday throughout Easter, the invitation is extended to you to join as we prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of the Holy Spirit, who, with His gifts overflowing, desires fruits in abundance borne in our souls.
After conquering death, Christ told his followers to wait for His Spirit, and they waited for the coming of the Holy Spirit in the upper room together. As Easter people, our waiting, is not to occur in isolation, either. The St. Ann community hopes to echo this fruitful anticipation of the Holy Spirit this Easter season. Get with others - whether you know them or not - and join a Community Group. A Community Group consists of people focused entirely on Christ, walking within our season of life and stage of discipleship, which allows us to challenge and care for one another.
If you need help we would be more than happy to assist you in finding and forming your own Community Group. Go to www.stannparish.org/groups for support in finding yours!
“The mystery of the Resurrection and of Pentecost is proclaimed and lived by the Church, which has inherited and which carries on the witness of the Apostles about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. She is the perennial witness to this victory over death which revealed the power of the Holy Spirit and determined His new coming, His new presence in people and in the world... In the name of the Resurrection of Christ the Church proclaims life, which manifested itself beyond the limits of death, the life which is stronger than death. At the same time, she proclaims Him who gives this life: the Spirit, the Giver of life; she proclaims Him and cooperates with Him in giving life.”
St. John Paul II, Dominum et Vivicantem 58.1
Domingo de Pascua 2023
“Éste es el día del triunfo del Señor. Aleluya.”
Salmo 117
Christ is risen! Alleluia, Alleluia! After 40 days of journeying through Lent, the experience of the beautiful gift - of Christ's resurrection - is offered to us! Now is the time to allow Jesus to live in us as we celebrate the joy of these Easter mysteries for the next 50 days.
A lo largo de este tiempo festivo, reflexionamos sobre la nueva vida que Cristo nos ha dado, la vida que recibimos a través de su Espíritu Santo. Todos los domingos de Pascua, te invitamos a acompañarnos mientras preparamos nuestros corazones y nuestras mentes para la venida del Espíritu Santo, que, con sus dones, desea frutos en abundancia en nuestras almas.
Después de vencer a la muerte, Cristo dijo a sus seguidores que esperaran la llegada de su Espíritu, y ellos esperaron juntos la llegada del Espíritu Santo en el cenáculo. Como personas de Pascua, nuestra espera tampoco se produce de forma aislada. La comunidad de Santa Ana espera hacerse eco de esta fructífera anticipación del Espíritu Santo en este tiempo de Pascua. Reúnete con otros - los conozcas o no - y forma parte de un Grupo de Comunidad. Los Grupos de Comunidad consisten en personas enfocadas enteramente en Cristo, caminando en la misma estación de vida y etapa del discipulado, lo que nos permite desafiarnos y cuidarnos unos a otros.
If you need help we would be more than happy to assist you in finding and forming your own Community Group. Go to www.stannparish.org/groups for support in finding yours!
“El misterio de la Resurrección y de Pentecostés es anunciado y vivido por la Iglesia, que es la heredera y continuadora del testimonio de los Apóstoles sobre la resurrección de Jesucristo. Es el testigo perenne de la victoria sobre la muerte, que reveló la fuerza del Espíritu Santo y determinó su nueva venida, su nueva presencia en los hombres y en el mundo... En nombre de la resurrección de Cristo la Iglesia anuncia la vida, que se ha manifestado más allá del límite de la muerte, la vida que es más fuerte que la muerte. Al mismo tiempo, anuncia al que da la vida: el Espíritu vivificante; lo anuncia y coopera con él en dar la vida.”
San Juan Pablo II, Dominum et Vivicantem 58.1