Prayer Shawl Ministry
What is the prayer shawl ministry?
Our mission is to bring people together to share in fellowship and community and to use our time and talents to produce prayer shawls that will be given away to help spread the message of God's mercy, love and compassion.
What does that mean?
We are a group of individuals who knit or crochet shawls, praying as we work. Upon completion, shawls are blessed by clergy and then passed on. As we participate in this ministry, many have experienced a growing personal relationship with God and a deepening of our own individual faith. We have observed the power of God's love as we have watched people receive the shawls, heard the awe with which the shawls are recognized and then used as a tangible sign of the warmth and enveloping presence of the prayers and love of the ministry and God.
How does the ministry work?
Some of us joined the group already knowing how to knit or crochet. Some come to the ministry without these skills, but with a strong desire to learn. We meet monthly on the third Tuesday of the month, for fellowship and sharing of ideas, patterns and information. Some members work on their own, turning in shawls upon completion. Shawls are available at any time. We are not restrictive in any way: geographically, church affiliation, or need.
Who needs a shawl?
Some people request shawls for themselves. Their shawl will help them in their prayer time, setting the mood and inviting God into that space. Typically, shawls are requested for individuals in crisis situations – the death of a loved one, illness, surgery, divorce, etc. Some other indications may be weddings, births, anniversaries, or birthdays. Some people hear of a need in someone they may not even know and will drop off a shawl anonymously, knowing the power of the shawl will deliver comfort without the need for words.
How do I get one?
Call Pat at 214-616-3789 or send an email to We can make arrangements to get one to you.
How can I join?
Call Pat at 214-616-3789 or send an email to You can attend a meeting and we can get you set up. We supply yarn at our meetings. If you don't know how to crochet or knit, we will teach you.
What can I do to support the ministry?
PRAY! Pray for those receiving the shawls, and pray that others have the courage to share their need with someone, so they can get a shawl. Pray for the ministry - that God grants us the time to spend crafting our shawls.
We accept financial donations – but can’t accept donations of yarn. It costs about $20 to replace the yarn in each shawl. Donations can be mailed to the church office at 180 Samuel Dr, Coppell, Tx 75019 or dropped in the Sunday collection. Indicate "prayer shawl" on the envelope.