Parish Mission Day 1: Sr. Josephine

Parish Mission Day 2: tim glemkowski


Parish Mission Day 3: tim glemkowski


Who are the speakers?

Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN

Sister Josephine Garrett, CSFN, is a native Texan, a convert to the Catholic faith, and a sister of the Holy Family of Nazareth. She lives and serves in Tyler, Texas, as a licensed professional counselor. She also loves traveling around to share the love of God with the young Church.

Tim Glemkowski

Tim Glemkowski is the Executive Director of the National Eucharistic Congress and was the Director of Strategy for the Archdiocese of Denver. He is the former founder and president of L’Alto Catholic Institute and Revive Parishes. Tim authored Made for Mission: Renewing Your Parish Culture and is an international speaker who has also consulted for many organizations, dioceses, and parishes. Tim and his wife, Maggie, live in Denver, CO with their three young children.


How can I support the Parish Mission?

If you were blessed by the Parish Mission, we ask that you prayerfully consider donating to support the mission financially. To do so, please click the link below, and in the Gift Description field, please enter “Parish Mission.” All donations will go towards expenses for this year’s mission, and towards the planning of next year’s event. If you or your company would like to sponsor next year’s food or portion of the mission, please email Rebecca Almanza at