Faith & Finance
Amazingly, scattered throughout the 73 books of the Bible are more than 2,500 verses on money and possessions. These verses can transform hearts and finances. The Faith & Finance Ministry helps people to learn and practically apply these life-changing principles through small group bible studies and individual budget coaching.
God’s purpose for this ministry is to draw others into a deeper love relationship with Jesus Christ. If the Holy Spirit directs our financial decisions, our hearts are drawn closer to Him through obedience to His Word, and His Lordship is established in our lives.
Faith & Money Matters
Faith & Money Matters is a six-week study exposing students to God's principles for managing money and possessions. For six sessions held at St Ann's participants will learn how to create a spending plan(budget), how to get out of crushing debt, how to start saving and investing for the long term, and financial well-being. Most importantly, they learn how financial discipleship can change their lives!
Orientation Meeting: February 9 | 1:30 - 2:30 PM | Room 134
Classes begin Sunday, February 23 | 3 - 4:30 PM | Room 137
Money Coaching
Certified trained parishioners are available to provide one-on-one assistance with a variety of financial topics. The coaching provides both spiritual and practical guidance on how to:
Develop and work towards a financial goal
Decrease financial stress
Navigate towards financial wellness
Grow in your spiritual journey
Mission and Objectives
Equipping participants to faithfully apply biblical principles so they know Christ more intimately, are free to serve Him and to help fund the work of the Church.
Ministry Objectives:
Transform hearts by learning God's perspective on how to manage time, talent and treasure.
Equip participants with the practical tools needed to manage their resources God's way.
Strengthen marriage and family life.
Enable people to be totally free to serve God and others in the community.