As a part of the St. Ann Carnival, we plan to feature a multicultural exhibit tent. parish members are invited to ‘host’ a table within the tent showcasing their cultural background. St. Ann parishioners come from a variety of countries; in fact, we have 6 out of the 7 continents represented in our faith community. Each of these countries has its own unique way of life, including uniqueness in language, customs, food, clothing, and traditions. The goal of this exhibit is to create an inclusive environment for all parishioners by providing an opportunity to display pride in their cultural story through educating others. Though we all come from different walks of life, both near and far, the one thing that binds us together is our Catholic faith. Catholicism is one of the world’s largest religions, and is often celebrated in different ways. This exhibit will showcase how the Catholic faith is practiced and celebrated in each country of origin. Each table in this tent will represent a country and will provide fun facts about that country and the ways that the Catholic faith is celebrated in that region. Table groups are encouraged to provide visuals such as a tri-fold display, flags, photographs, currency, information about important saints, etc. Our goal is to have 30 countries represented for the 30th anniversary of our Parish.
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