Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMs) assist the priest and deacon in reverently distributing the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ, at all masses for all Sundays, holy days of obligation, and other special celebrations for the parish.  It is a beautiful gift to be able to bring the Body and Blood of Christ to His flock!

What is the EMHC Ministry?

The EMHC Ministry is a Liturgical Ministry led by a volunteer leadership team that accepts the responsibility of overseeing the functioning of the ministry. The leadership team includes the EMHC Ministry Leader, the EMHC/Lector Scheduler, the EMHC Training, and the EMHC Team Captains. The EMHC Ministry Leadership, as well as all EMHC volunteers, are the Liturgical Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.  EMHC serves at all Sunday Mass times as well as various opportunities for special Masses such as Holiday and Holy Days, First Communion, Confirmation, etc.

Who can be an Extraordinary Minister?

  • Must be a practicing Catholic who has received the sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation) and be in full communion with the Catholic Church.

  • Must be 16 years of age and registered with St. Ann Parish. If under 16 years of age and confirmed, and wish to serve, you may request the Director of Youth Ministry to recommend you participate as an EMHC.

  • Should have a deep and obvious love for the Blessed Sacrament and attend Mass every Sunday.

  • Should be known in the community as someone who is committed to the Church’s understanding of the Real Presence.

What are the roles and responsibilities of an Extraordinary Minister?

•       Ensure they are properly ready to serve Holy Communion as described in the procedures.

•       Arrive 30 minutes prior to the scheduled Mass time and check in with Team Captain.

•       Participate in prayer with the team before Mass.

•       Attend training as directed.

•       Develop a daily personal prayer time to grow deeper in your relationship with God.

How Do I Sign Up?

  1. Understand your roles and responsibilities

  2. Sign up via: https://secure.rotundasoftware.com/29/enrollment/stanncoppell

  3. (On Website)

    Step 1: Fill out your General Information

    The phone number and email you provide will be used to send text/email communications and scheduled reminders.

    • Make sure the boxes are checked if you wish to receive reminders before your scheduled day. You can also modify the timing of your email reminders if you wish.

    Step 2: Select your Ministries & Scheduling

    • Select your preferred ministry. In this case, it is “Extraordinatory Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)”

    • Under the “Service preferences” section, add the mass time(s) you prefer to serve.