Altar Servers
Tell your friends and younger siblings that these dates are upon us. Youth who are at least 11 years old or have completed 5th grade are eligible to train. Youth needs to have received these sacraments: Baptism, Confession and communion. Family needs to be registered in the parish. Parent meeting at the beginning of the night's training. All trainings are in the main church from 7:00-8:45 PM. REGISTRATION REQUIRED with link or at
Servers who have at least 6 months of experience of service and want to expand their skills and serving opportunities may train for Crucifer! REGISTRATION REQUIRED with link or at All trainings are in the main church from 7:00-8:45 PM.
Servers who have at least 1 year experience of service who want to expand their skills with learning the steps and processes to carry and tend the incense vessel, the thurible, may train for this advanced role. REGISTRATION REQUIRED at for training dates. All trainings are in the main church from 7:00-8:45 PM
Service Hours
You are eligible to receive service hours as an altar server. If you need service hours for NHS, NJHS, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc, please ask the priest, deacon, ministry lead, or Eucharistic Ministry captain to sign your service hours form either before or after Mass on the day that you serve. You may also email the ministry coordinator for such needs.